Our fantastic establishment is available for hire. Our Chamber is greatly sought after with many outstanding reviews. Our premises is absolutely perfect for both the experienced and beginner players, complete with all the equipment that anyone could possibly desire. All fetishes are catered for here, having everything at your fingertips.
The Walsall Dungeon is different to the average facility. Location and privacy is of the upmost importance, based in a quiet residential village with lots of parking. No more need to stay in a cold and dingy dungeon when our Chambers are priced so competitively. When guests hire out our venue they are given the whole package. Our dungeon gives you complete control of your surroundings.
Using a holistic approach we have decided to give you everything under one roof and cater for all individual needs. Therefore we include everything, the playroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room and even a sleeping area for over night stays. Our venue is kept to a very high standard as we take significant pride in our facility. We ensure that cleanliness is of the highest quality and all essentials are in perfect working order.
Our Chambers is owned by one of the most popular male Dominants in the UK. Co owned by the Midlands very own Princess of Pain who is also a high class model. Furthermore, the dungeon is hired out by other elite professionals such as Dominants, Dominatrix, Trans Dominants, Dancers, Photographers, Models and many more.